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When you decide to get dental veneers, it can be confusing whether or not you can maintain a healthy oral hygiene program to clean your natural teeth. Getting veneers is a process where you effectively add a protective surface (similar to the enamel you already have on teeth), which is bonded to the exterior of your teeth.

At Ascent Dental Care, we custom produce veneers for the perfect match for our patient’s teeth. However, poorly made and fitted veneers could leave gaps for food particles to get underneath the veneer, which could potentially cause decay. Yes, that’s right – you can still get cavities even though you have veneers!

How to care for your veneers

Even though veneers are not your natural teeth, they will still require you to treat them as if they were real teeth by continuing a healthy daily oral hygiene routine of brushing twice a day and flossing. By not brushing and flossing, you will be increasing the likelihood of potential problems such as decay, plaque, cavities, and even gum disease if it gets out of control!

If you are unsure about the best cosmetic treatment option for you, we offer FREE consultations with our friendly dentists who will get to know you as an individual and take an interest in your smile goals. Dentistry has evolved so much over the past few years that many different cosmetic options are available to you.

Are you interested in getting veneers? Then, find your nearest Ascent Dental Care practice and book your FREE smile makeover consultation today!