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Retainers are a crucial part of orthodontic treatment. Once you have had your teeth straightened with the braces option of your choice, you will need to wear retainers’ post-treatment to keep your teeth in their new position.

Fixed vs. removable retainers

It is natural for your teeth to try and relapse back to their original crooked position. Hence, as part of our orthodontic packages here at Ascent Dental Care, we include both fixed and removable retainers.

Fixed retainers are bonded on the backs of your teeth immediately after having your braces removed. We then take impressions of your teeth, which are sent to our lab, where your removable retainers are created.

Fixed retainers will be worn indefinitely, so you always have retention in place. The removable retainers will be for use during the night and will double up on the retention.
We always advise patients before they have braces that retainers must be fitted/worn following treatment to ensure the teeth stay in their new positions.

How much do retainers cost?

We include both fixed and removable retainers in your orthodontic treatment as part of all our orthodontic packages. This is because it is vital that after you have had braces, you have the retainers put in place to ensure your teeth do not suffer a relapse.

If you have had braces elsewhere and need some retainers (or you had retainers a long time ago and need some new ones), we can offer retainers as a stand-alone treatment.

If you want to find out more about your teeth straightening options, please do not hesitate to find your nearest Ascent Dental Care practice and book your FREE orthodontic consultation today.