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Lingual braces are a type of brace that works differently from traditional orthodontic systems. Traditionally, metal ‘train tracks’ are fixed to the front of the teeth, which provide an effective straightening solution but can be visually intrusive for some patients.

Luckily times have changed, and braces have advanced over the years. One such advancement is the lingual brace, which is attached to the backs of the teeth rather than the front. Like traditional braces, lingual braces are a fixed option (i.e. not removable) but are entirely discrete. As a result, no one will be able to tell that you are wearing them…unless you want them to know!

Am I suitable for lingual braces?

With so many different scenarios regarding straightening teeth, not all braces may be ideal for your case. At Ascent Dental Care, we offer FREE consultations so that our orthodontists can assess your teeth and identify what type of braces will be the most suitable for you. As well as lingual braces, we also offer a wide variety of other orthodontic systems that may be suitable for you.

Typically, removable braces (aligners) tend to take longer to straighten teeth; however, because they are removable, it means that you can keep on top of your oral hygiene much better than if you had fixed braces. Some fixed brace options, such as Six Month Smiles, use clear brackets for a more discrete solution to teeth straightening. Depending on what you want to get out of your orthodontic treatment, the Ascent Dental Care team offer an extensive range of systems to meet your needs.

The first step to straightening your teeth is to book your FREE consultation with our orthodontic specialists. Find your nearest Ascent Dental Care practice and get in touch today!